English Topics - Form Four
TOPIC 1: Expressing Oneself
Expressing One's Feeling, Ideas, Opinion, View and Emotions
Express personal ideas, feelings, opinions, views and emotions on a variety of issues in different contexts
TOPIC 2: Listening For Information
Listening to Instructions
Respond appropriately to instructions
Giving Instructions
Give instructions
Listening for Main Ideas and Taking Notes
Make summary notes
Write down correctly what is read
TOPIC 3: Reading Literary Works
Identifying and Analysing Setting main Plot and Characters
Describe characters, setting and plot of literary works studied
Identify Themes
Relate works studied with personal and national experiences
Interpreting Poems
Interpret poems
TOPIC 4: Speaking Using Appropriate Language Content And Style
Starting Intervening and Closing a Conversation/Discussion
Use appropriate expressions for starting, intervening and closing a conversation/discussion
Negotiating Solutions to Problems
Use appropriate language to resolve a problem/conflict
Seeking and Giving Advice
Give advice using appropriate language
TOPIC 5: Writing Using Appropriate Language Content And Style
Writing Narrative Compositions/Essays (Of Not Less Than 250 Words)
Write an account of event/that happened in the past
Writing events in the past
Writing Expository Compositions/Essays
Write factual information on a topic/subject
Writing Descriptive Composition/Essays
Write vivid descriptions of people/place/events
Writing Argumentative Composition/Essay
Present contrasting views of a given topic
Creative Writing
Write a work of art using literary devices and skills
Writing Speeches
Write a speech
Deliver a speech
Writing Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Write his/her own CV
TOPIC 6: Writing Application Letters
Writing Letters of Application for Jobs
Write letters of application for jobs