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Attendance and Absence

We maintain school attendance and related documents that promote student’s regular attendance, positive student behaviour, harmonious teacher-student relationship, a caring school atmosphere and close partnership between the school and home. 


We keep all parents fully informed of the school hours, time-table arrangements and days during which students do not need to attend school. Parent will be notified if a student is required to stay behind after normal school hours or after closure date. 



To uphold students’ right to education, we strictly deal with the students’ non-attendance and dropouts on the 7th day of the students’ continuous absence, regardless of their age, class level and reasons for absence.

We believe the earlier the intervention, the greater is the likelihood of a dropout resuming school. Or otherwise, the longer the students are out of school, the more difficult it will be for them to re-integrate into school, and the higher the risk of becoming a social burden in the longer term. 


Promotion and Repetition

Students are normally promoted to the next grade/level at the end of each academic year. Retention of a student in a particular class to repeat a whole year’s work happen only on exceptional circumstances where it is clear that it is in the best interests of a student that he/she should be allowed to repeat an academic year for educational reasons. 


We believe repetition is not a desirable course of action, therefore as a school we have remedial measures to assist students with weak academic performance.


Safety Precautions 

School ensures that all school equipment and installations are properly installed and maintained by qualified personnel. Students are not allowed to perform dangerous practical experiments. All reasonable precautions are taken to minimise risks and to guard against accidents. All hazardous chemicals/poisons are clearly labelled, kept in a locked cupboard, and checked regularly by qualified personnel. 


In order to ensure the safety of our students, all students are taught to be aware of the possible risks in connection with the use of machine tools, electrical appliances, lifts, sharp tools, inflammable and hazardous substances, etc. The school has developed clear guidelines for both staff and students to help prevent the occurrence of such mishaps and ensure that proper actions are taken in case of such incidents or accidents. 


School Bus Services

School offers transport services to students (the school bus services) where all buses used are properly chosen to meet the required standards and supervised by a committee.

Every school bus carrying primary and kindergarten students is provided an escort while in operation


Meal Arrangements 

School makes meal arrangements healthily for students according to their individual situations.


Normally, school arrange a tea and lunch break for all students, in addition to the before class tea and dinner for boarding students.


School has in place co-ordination groups that work out the healthy and environmentally friendly meal policy and practices, supervise, co-ordinate and improve meal arrangements for all students.

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