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Basic Mathematics Topics - Form Four


TOPIC 1: Coordinate Geometry


  1. Equation of a Line

    • Derive the general equation of a straight line

  2. Midpoint of a Line Segment

    • Determine the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment

  3. Distance Between Two Points on a Plane

    • Calculate the distance between two points on a plane

  4. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

    • Compute gradients in order to determine the conditions for any two lines to be parallel

    • Compute gradients in order to determine the conditions for any two lines to be perpendicular

    • Solve problems on parallel and perpendicular lines


TOPIC 2: Area of Any Triangle


  1. Area of any Triangle

    • Derive the formula for the area of any triangle

    • Apply the formula to find the area of any triangle

  2. Area of a Rhombus

    • Derive the formula for finding the area of rhombi in terms of the diagonals.

    • Apply the formula to find the areas of quadrilaterals

  3. Perimeter of a Regular Polygon

    • Derive the formula for finding the length of a side of a regular polygon

    • The formula to determine the perimeter of a regular polygon

  4. Area of a Regular Polygon

    • Derive the formula for finding the area of a regular polygon

    • Apply the formula to calculate the area of a regular polygon

  5. Area of Similar Polygons

    • Find the ratio of areas of similar polygons

    • Solve problems related to ratio for areas of similar polygons


TOPIC 3: Three Dimensional Figures


  1. Three Dimensional Figures

    • Classify three dimensional figures

    • List the characteristics of each class

  2. Construction of Three Dimensional Figures

    • Construct three dimensional figures

  3. Sketching Three Dimensional Figures

    • Sketch three dimensional figures

    • Identify properties of three dimensional figures

    • Find the angle between a line and a plane

    • Calculate the angle between two planes

  4. Surface Area of Three Dimensional Objects

    • Derive the formulae for calculating the surface area of prisms, cylinder and pyramids and cone

    • Apply the formulae to calculate the surface area of spheres

  5. Volume of Three Dimensional Objects

    • Derive the formulae for calculating volume of prisms, cylinders and pyramids

    • Apply the formulae to calculate the volume of cylinders, pyramids and cones


TOPIC 4: Probability


  1. Probability of an Events

    • Determine the probability of an event through experiments

    • Interpret experimental results in relation to real life occurrences

    • Write the formula for finding the probability of an event

    • Apply the formula to calculate the probability of an event

  2. Combined Events

    • Perform experiments of two combined events

    • Draw a tree diagram of combined events

    • Find the probability of two combined events using the formula

    • Apply the knowledge of probability to determine the occurrence of events in real life situation


TOPIC 5: Trignometry


  1. Trigonometric Ratios

    • Determine the sine, cosine and tangent of an angle measured in the clockwise and anticlockwise directions

    • Apply trigonometric ratios to solve problems in daily life

  2. Sine and Cosine Functions

    • Find sines and cosines of angles 0 such that -720°≤ᶿ≥ 720°

    • Draw the graphs of sine and cosine

    • Interpret the graphs of sine and cosine functions

  3. Sine and Cosine Rules

    • Derive the sine and cosine rules

    • Apply the sine and cosine rules in solving problems on triangles

  4. Compound Angles

    • Apply the compound of angle formulae or sine, cosine and tangent in solving trigonometric problems


TOPIC 6: Vectors


  1. Displacement and Positions of Vectors

    • Explain the concept of a vector quantity

    • Distinguish between displacement and position vectors

    • Resolving any vector into I and J components

  2. Magnitude and Direction of a Vector

    • Calculate the magnitude and direction of a vector

  3. Sum and Difference of Vectors

    • Find the sum of two or more vectors

    • Find the difference of vectors

  4. Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar

    • Multiply a vector by a scalar

  5. Application of Vectors

    • Apply vectors in solving simple problems on velocities, displacements and forces


TOPIC 7: Matrices and Transformations


  1. Operations on Matrices

    • Explain the concept of a matrix

    • Add matrices of order up to 2 X 2

    • Subtract matrices of order up to 2 X 2

    • Multiply a matrix of order 2 X 2 by a scalar

    • Multiply two matrices of order up to 2 X 2

  2. Inverse of a Matrix

    • Calculate the determinant of a 2 X 2 matrix

    • Find the inverse of a 2 X 2 matrix

    • Apply 2 X 2 matrix to solve simultaneous equations

  3. Matrices and Transformations

    • Transform any point P(X, Y) into P¹(X¹,Y¹) by pre-multiplying (ᵡᵧ) with a transformation matrix T

    • Apply the matrix to reflect a point P(X, Y ) in the x-axis

    • Apply the matrix to reflect a point P(X, Y) in the Y-Axis

    • Use a matrix operator to rotate any point P( X, Y ) through 90° 180°, 270° and 360° about the Origin

    • Use the enlargement matrix E in enlarging figures


TOPIC 8: Liner Programming


  1. Simultaneous Equations

    • Form simultaneous equation from word problems

    • Solve simultaneous equations graphically

  2. Inequalities

    • Form linear inequalities in two unknowns from word problems

    • Find the solution set of simultaneous linear inequalities graphically

  3. The Objective Function

    • Form an objective function from word problems

  4. Maximum and Minimum Values

    • Locate corner points on the feasible region

    • Find the minimum and maximum values using the objective function


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