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Physics Topics - Form Two


TOPIC 1: Static Electricity


  1. Concept of Static Electricity

    • Explain the concept of static electricity

    • Explain the origin of charges

    • Identify the two types of charges

    • State the fundamental law of static electricity

    • Charge bodies using different methods

  2. Detection of Charges

    • Describe the structure of a gold-leaf electroscope

    • Determine the sign of charges

    • Identify steps of charging and discharging of a gold-leaf electroscope

  3. Conductors and Insulators

    • Distinguish between a conductor and insulator

  4. Capacitors

    • Explain mode of action of a capacitance

    • Explain the action of a capacitor

    • Describe the construction of an air-filled capacitor

    • Determine equivalence capacitance of a combination of capacitors

  5. Charge Distribution Along the Surface of a Conductor

    • Recognise that charge on a conductor reside on its outer surface

    • Show that charge on a conductor is concentrated on sharply curved surfaces

  6. Lightning Conductor

    • Explain the phenomenon of lightning conductor

    • Describe the structure and mode of action of lightning conductor

    • Construct a simple lightning conductor


TOPIC 2: Current Electricity


  1. Concept Of Current Electricity

    • Define current electricity

    • Identify different sources of current electricity in everyday life

  2. Simple Electric Circuits

    • Identify simple circuit components

    • Identify simple electric symbols

    • Explain the concept of Current, Voltage and Resistance

    • State the SI units of Current, Voltage and Resistance

    • Connect simple electric circuits

    • Measure electric current and voltage

    • Analyse simple electric circuits


TOPIC 3: Magnetism


  1. Concept of Magnetism

    • Explain the origin of magnetism

    • Identify magnetic and non-Magnetic material/substances

    • State the properties of magnets

    • Identify types of Magnets

    • Identify application of magnets

  2. Magnetisation and Demagnetisation

    • Explain the concept of magnetisation and demagnetisation

    • Demonstrate magnetisation and demagnetisation

    • Design methods of storing magnets

  3. Magnetic Fields of a Magnet

    • Explain the concept of magnetic fields of a magnet

    • Illustrate the magnetic lines of force around a magnet using iron fillings or compass needle

    • Explain the methods of magnetic shielding

  4. Earth's Magnetic Field

    • Explain the phenomenon of earth's magnetism

    • Determine direction of earth's magnetic field

    • Locate the earth' magnetic lines of force about a bar magnet

    • Measure the angle of inclination (dip) and angles of declination

    • State the application of earth's magnetic field


TOPIC 4: Forces In Equilibrium


  1. Moment of a Force

    • Explain the effects of turning forces

    • Determine the moment of force

    • State the principle of moments

    • Apply the principle of moment in daily life

  2. Centre of Gravity

    • Explain centre of gravity

    • Determine centre of gravity of regular shaped body

    • Determine centre of gravity of irregular shaped body

  3. Types of Equilibrium

    • Explain the condition for equilibrium

    • Explain Stable, Unstable and Neutral equilibrium

    • Apply conditions of stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium in daily life


TOPIC 5: Simple Machines


  1. Concept of Simple Machines

    • Explain the concept of a simple machine

    • Explain the terms applied in simple machine

    • Identify the different kinds of simple machines

  2. Levers

    • Identify the three classes of levers

    • Determine the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of lever

    • Use of levers in daily life

  3. Pulleys

    • Identify different pulley systems

    • Determine mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of pulley system

    • Use of pulley in daily life

  4. Inclined Plane

    • State the concept of inclined plane

    • Determine mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of inclined plane

    • Apply inclined plane in daily life

  5. Screw Jack

    • Describe the structure of a Screw Jack

    • Determine the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of a Screw Jack

    • Use the Screw Jack in daily life

  6. Wheel and Axle

    • Describe the structure of a wheel and axle

    • Determine the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of a wheel and axle

    • Use the wheel and axle in daily life

  7. Hydraulic press

    • Describe the structure of Hydraulic Press

    • Determine mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of a Hydraulic Press

    • Use the Hydraulic Press in daily life


TOPIC 6: Motion In Straight Line


  1. Distance and Displacement

    • Distinguish between Distance and Displacement

    • State the SI units of Distance and Displacement

  2. Speed and Velocity

    • Distinguish between Speed and Velocity

    • State the SI unit of Speed and Velocity

    • Determine average velocity of a body

  3. Acceleration

    • Interpret velocity time-graph

    • Determine the acceleration of a body

    • Explain the concept of retardation

  4. Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion

    • Derive equation of uniformly accelerated motion

    • Apply equations of accelerated motion in daily life

  5. Motion under Gravity

    • Explain the concept of gravitational force

    • Determine acceleration due to gravity

    • Explain the application of gravitational force


TOPIC 7: Newton's Law Of Motion


  1. 1st law of Motion

    • Explain the concept of inertia

    • Verify Newton's first law of Motion

  2. 2nd law of Motion

    • Explain concept of linear momentum

    • Verify Newton's second law of Motion

  3. Conservation of linear Momentum

    • Distinguish between Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

    • State the principle of conservation of linear Momentum

    • Apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum in solving problems

  4. 3rd law of Motion

    • Distinguish between Action and Reaction Forces

    • State Newton's third Law of Motion

    • Apply Newton's third Law of Motion


TOPIC 8: Temperature


  1. Concept of temperature

    • Define the term temperature

    • State the SI unit of temperature

  2. Measurement of Temperature

    • Identify measurable physical properties that change with temperature

    • Define the fundamental interval of a thermometer

    • Describe the 'mode' of action of liquid-in-glass thermometer

    • Measure accurately the temperature of a body


TOPIC 9: Sustainable Energy Sources


  1. Water Energy

    • Explain the generation of electricity from water

    • Explain the importance of water energy

    • Construct a model of HydroElectric power plant

  2. Solar Energy

    • Explain the sun as a source of energy

    • Explain the conversion of Solar energy to electric Energy

    • Construct a model of solar panel

  3. Wind Energy

    • Explain wind as a source of energy

    • Construct a model of a Wind Mill

    • Apply Wind Mill in daily life

  4. Sea Wave Energy

    • Explain sea wave as a source of energy

    • Explain the conversion of sea wave energy to electric energy

  5. Geothermal Energy

    • Explain Geothermal as a source of energy

    • Explain the conversion of Geothermal energy to electric energy

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