ICS Topics - Form Three
TOPIC 1: Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the Society
The Role of ICT in Daily Life
Explain the Role of ICT in Business, Medicine Engineering, Data Management and Entertainment
Explain the Roles of ICT in Creating Awareness on Gender, HIV/AID, Drug and Drug abuse, Globalization, Family Life, Cultural changes, Corruption and Road Safety
ICT and Crimes
Explain Criminal Activities Facilitated by ICT
Information Security
Outline the Importance of Protecting Information Systems in Various Ways
Create a Password
ICT and Employment
The Dedate on the Effects of ICT on Employment
ICT and Cultural Interaction
Explain the Influence of ICT and Cultural Change
ICT Hazards
Explain the Effects of Disposing Electronic Equipments to the Environment
Outline the Health Hazards of ICT use to Human Life
TOPIC 2: Web Development
Introduction to Web page Design
Explain Concepts of a webpage
Prepare a Webpage Structure
Create a Webpage
Explain Webpage Preview
Publishing WebPages
Explain a Concepts of Publishing Webpage
Outline the Importance of Publishing Webpages
Explain the Procedure of transferring Webpages to the webserver
Distinguish between webpage and websites
Access information on a website
TOPIC 3: Database as Information Systems
Manual data Processing System
Describe Manual data processing system
Electronic Data Processing Systems
Describe the Electronic Data Progressing System
Compare Manual and Electronic Data Processing Systems
Explain the Importance of Data Processing
Database Concepts and Terminologies
Explain Database Terminologies
Type of Database Systems
Explain the Importance of Database Systems
List Types of Database Systems
Creating Database
Plan for a Database
Prepare a Table for Data Entry
Prepare a Data Entry form
Enter Data Using forms and Tables
Use the help Facility Database