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Physics Topics - Form Three


TOPIC 1: Applications of Vectors


  1. Scalar and Vector Quantities

    • Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities

    • Add vectors using graphical method

    • State the triangle and parallelogram laws of forces

  2. Relative Motion

    • Explain the concept of relative motion

    • Calculate the relative velocity of two bodies

    • Apply the concept of relative motion in daily life

  3. Resolution of Vectors

    • Explain the concept of components of a vector

    • Resolve a vector into two perpendicular components

    • Apply resolution of vectors in solving problems


TOPIC 2: Friction


  1. Concept of Friction

    • Explain the concept for friction

    • Realize the advantages and disadvantages of friction in daily life

    • Describe methods of reducing friction

  2. Types of Friction

    • Identify types of friction

    • Determine limiting friction

  3. Laws of Friction

    • State laws of friction

    • Determine the coefficient of friction

    • Apply laws of friction in solving problems


TOPIC 3: Light


  1. Reflection of Light from Curved Mirrors

    • Distinguish between concave and convex mirrors

    • Explain the terms principle, axis, pole, principle focus and radius of curvature as applied to curved mirrors

    • Locate the images formed by a curved mirror

    • Determine practically the focal length of a concave mirror

    • Use Convex and concave mirrors in daily life

  2. Refraction of Light

    • Explain the concept of refraction of light

    • Measure the angle of incidence and angle of refraction

    • State the laws of refraction

    • Determine the refraction index of a material

    • Explain the concept of critical angle and total internal reflection of light

    • Explain the occurrence of mirage

  3. Refraction of Light by Rectangular Prism

    • Trace the passage of light through a triangular prism

    • Demonstrate the dispersion of white light

    • Determine the angles of deviation and minimum deviation

    • Construct a simple prism binocular

  4. Colours of Light

    • Explain the component of white light

    • Recombine colours of white light

    • Explain the appearances of coloured object under white light

    • Identify primary, secondary and complementary colours of light

    • Distinguish between additive and subtractive combination of colours

  5. Refraction of Light by Lenses

    • Distinguish between convex and concave lenses

    • Explain the terms focal length, principle focus, principle axis and optical centre as applied to lenses

    • Determine practically the focal length of a lens

    • Locate the image formed by a lens

    • Determine the position, size and nature of the image formed by lens

    • Determine the magnification of the lens camera

    • Determine the relationship between focal length (f) object distance (u) and image distance (v) as applied to Lenses


TOPIC 4: Optical Instruments


  1. Simple Microscope

    • Describe the structure of the simple microscope

    • Describe the mode of action of a simple microscope

    • Construct a simple microscope

  2. Compound Microscope

    • Describe the structure of a compound microscope

    • Describe the mode of action of a compound microscope

    • Determine the magnification of a compound microscope

    • Mention uses of a compound microscope

  3. Astronomical Telescope

    • Describe the structure of an astronomical telescope

    • Describe the mode of action of an astronomical telescope

    • Determine the magnification of an astronomical telescope

    • Mention uses of an astronomical telescope

    • Construct a simple astronomical telescope

  4. Projection Lantern

    • Describe the structure of the projection lantern

    • Describe the mode of action of a projection lantern

    • Determine the magnification of a projection lantern

    • Mention uses of a projection lantern

    • Construct a simple projection lantern

  5. The Lense Camera

    • Describe the structure of the lens camera

    • Describe the mode of action of the lens camera

    • Determine the magnification of the lens camera

    • Construct a simple lens camera

  6. The Human Eye

    • Describe the structure of the human eye

    • Explain accommodation power of the human eye

    • Identify the defects of the human eye

    • Describe the correction of the defects of human eye

    • Compare the human eye and the lens camera


TOPIC 5: Thermal Expansion


  1. Thermal Energy

    • Explain the concept of heat

    • State the source of thermal energy in everyday life

    • Distinguish between heat and temperature

  2. Thermal Expansion of Solids

    • Demonstrate expansion of solids

    • Explain expansion of solids in terms of kinetic theory of matter

    • Identify expansivity of different solids

    • Explain the applications of expansion of solids in daily life

  3. Thermal Expansion of Liquids

    • Explain the apparent expansion of liquids

    • Demonstrate the effect of heat on liquids

    • Verify the anomalous expansion of water

    • Explain the applications of expansion of liquids in everyday life

  4. Thermal Expansion of Gases

    • Explain the concept of thermal expansion of gases

    • Investigate the relationship between volume and temperature of fixed mass of air at constant pressure

    • Investigate the relationship between pressure and volume of a fixed mass of air at constant temperature

    • Investigate the relationship between pressure and temperature of a fixed mass of air at constant volume

    • Identify the general gas equation from the gas laws

    • Explain absolute scale of temperature

    • Convert temperature in degrees centigrade (celsius) to kelvin

    • Explain standard temperature and pressure (S.T.P)

    • Apply expansion of gas in daily life


TOPIC 6: Transfer Of Thermal Energy


  1. Conduction

    • Explain the concept of conduction of Heat

    • Identify good and bad Conductors of Heat

    • Explain how to minimise Heat losses due to Conduction

    • Apply knowledge of conduction in daily life

  2. Convection

    • Explain the concept of convection of heat

    • Explain convection in fluids in terms of kinetic theory of matter

    • Explain how to minimise heat losses due to convection to daily life

    • Apply knowledge of convection to daily life

  3. Radiation

    • Explain the concept of radiation

    • Identify good absorbers and emitters of radiant heat

    • Minimize heat losses due to radiation


TOPIC 7: Measurement Of Thermal Energy


  1. Heat Capacity

    • Explain the factors which determine heat quality of a substance

    • Determine the heat capacity

    • Determine the specific heat capacity

  2. Change of State

    • Explain the behaviour of particles of matter by applying kinetic theory

    • Determine experimentally the melting point of a substance from its cooling curve

    • Demonstrate the effect of impurities on the freezing point and the boiling point of a substance

    • Demonstrate the effect of pressure on the boiling point and freezing point of a substance

    • Explain the phenomenon of regulation

    • Give the concept of boiling and evaporation in respect to the kinetic theory of matter

    • Demonstrate latent heat of fusion and vaporisation

    • Describe the mechanism of refrigeration


TOPIC 8: Vapour And Humidity


  1. Vapour

    • Explain the process of evaporation of liquid

    • Identify factors affecting evaporation of a liquid

    • Distinguish between saturated and evaporation of a liquid

    • Explain the effect of temperature on saturated vapour pressure (S.V.P) of a liquid

  2. Humidity

    • Explain the concept of humidity

    • Explain the formation of dew

    • Measure relative humidity

    • Apply the knowledge of humidity in daily life


TOPIC 9: Thermal Current Electricity


  1. Electromotive force (emf) and potential difference (pd)

    • Explain the concept of electromotive force (emf) and potential difference (pd)

    • State the SI units of electromotive force and potential difference

    • Measure electromotive force of a cell and potential difference across a conductor

  2. Resistance to Electric Current

    • Explain the concept of electric current in a conductor

    • Describe factors which determine the resistance of a conductor

    • Determine the relationship between potential difference across the conductor and current

    • Identify types of resistors

    • Determine the equivalent resistance of more than two resistors in series and parallel

    • Explain the mode of action of a Wheatstone bridge.

    • Connect and analyse a simple electric circuit

  3. Effects of an Electric Current

    • Explain the mechanism of heating by electric current

    • Describe factors which determine the quality of heat generated in a conductor due to a current

    • Determine electrical power

    • Interpret the power rating of electrical appliances

  4. Electric Installation

    • Explain the meaning of the letter E (Earthing) L (Live) and N (Neutral) in Electrical Wiring

    • Describe the function of a fuse and a circuit breaker

    • Perform wiring on a board

    • Check and rectify electrical faults in domestic appliances

  5. Cells

    • Describe the mode of action of a dry cell (Leclanche)

    • Determine voltage of combination of cells in series and parallel

    • Identify the cell defects

    • Describe the mode of action of lead-acid accumulator

    • Explain the charging and discharging phenomenon of an accumulator

    • Use cells and accumulators in daily life

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