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Physics Topics - Form One


TOPIC 1: Introduction To Physics


  1. Concepts of Physics

    • Explain the concepts of physics

    • Establish the relationship between physics and other subjects

    • State the importance of studying physics

  2. Applications of Physics in Real Life

    • Explain the applications of physics in real life

    • Apply physics in daily life


TOPIC 2: Introduction To Laboratory Practice


  1. Laboratory Rules and Safety Guidelines

    • State rules in physics laboratory

    • Explain the safety measures in physics laboratory

    • Use the First Aid Kit to render first aid

    • Identify warning signs

    • Use warning signs in daily life

  2. Basic Principles of Scientific Investigation

    • Explain the concept of scientific investigation

    • Identify the steps of scientific investigation

    • Use the scientific investigation methods in solving problems


TOPIC 3: Measurement


  1. Concepts of Measurement

    • Explain the concepts of measurement

    • State the importance of measurement in real life

  2. Basic Fundamental Quantities

    • Define a fundamental quantity

    • Mention three basic fundamental quantities of measurement

    • State the S.I unit of fundamental quantities

    • Use appropriate instruments for measuring fundamental quantities

  3. Derived Quantities

    • Explain derived quantities

    • State the S.I. units of derived quantities

  4. Basic Apparatus/Equipment and their uses

    • Describe basic apparatus/equipments used for measurement

    • Identify sources of errors in measurement

  5. Density and Relative Density

    • Explain the concept of density of a substance and its S.I unit

    • Determine the density of regular and irregular solids

    • Determine the density of a liquid

    • Define the relative density of a substance

    • Interpret applications of density and relative density in real life


TOPIC 4: Force


  1. Concept of Force

    • Explain the concept of force

    • State the S.I unit of force

  2. Types of Force

    • Identify fundamental types of forces

    • Describe the properties of each type of the fundamental forces

  3. Effects of Force

    • Identify effects of forces

    • Justify the effects of forces on materials


TOPIC 5: Archimedes' Principle And Law Of Flotation


  1. Archimedes' Principle

    • Explain the concept of upthrust

    • Verify the archimedes principle

    • Apply the archimedes principle to determine relative density

  2. Law of Flotation

    • Distinguish floating and sinking of objects

    • Explain the conditions for a substance to float in fluids

    • Relate upthrust and weight of floating body

    • State the law of flotation

    • Apply the law of flotation in everyday life

    • Describe the mode of action of a Hydrometer

    • Construct a simple Hydrometer

    • Use Hydrometer to determine the relative density of different liquids


TOPIC 6: Structure And Properties Of Matter


  1. Structure of Matter

    • Explain the concept of matter

    • Justify the particulate nature of matter

    • Explain the kinetic theory of matter

    • Classify three states of matter

  2. Elasticity

    • Explain the concept of elasticity

    • Justify the relationship between tension and extension of a loaded elastic material

    • Identify the applications of elasticity in real life

  3. Adhesion and Cohesion

    • Explain the concept adhesion and cohesion

    • Identify the applications of adhesion and cohesion in daily life

  4. Surface Tension

    • Explain the concept of surface tension

    • Identify the applications of surface tension in daily life

  5. Capillarity

    • Explain the concept of capillarity

    • Identify the applications of capillarity in daily life

  6. Osmosis

    • Explain the concept of osmosis

    • Identify the applications of osmosis in daily life


TOPIC 7: Pressure


  1. Concept of Pressure

    • Explain the concept of pressure

    • State the S.I unit of pressure

  2. Pressure due to Solids

    • Explain dependence of pressure on surface of contact

    • Identify the applications of pressure due to solids

  3. Pressure in Liquids

    • Describe the characteristics of pressure in liquids

    • Examine the variation of pressure with depth in liquids

    • Solve problems involving Pressure in Liquids

    • Explain the principle of a hydraulic pressure

    • Measure pressure of a liquid

  4. Atmospheric Pressure

    • Describe the existence of atmospheric pressure

    • Identify the applications of atmospheric pressure

    • Measure atmospheric pressure


TOPIC 8: Work, Energy And Power


  1. Work

    • Explain the concept of work

    • State the S.I unit of work

    • Determine the work done by an applied force

  2. Energy

    • Explain the concept of energy

    • State S.I unit of energy

    • Identify different forms of energy

    • Distinguish between potential energy and kinetic energy

    • Explain the transformation of energy

    • State the principle of conservation of Energy

    • Explain the uses of mechanical energy

  3. Power

    • Explain the concept of power

    • State the S.I unit of power

    • Determine the rate of doing work


TOPIC 9: Light


  1. Sources of Light

    • Explain the concept of light

    • Identify sources of light

    • Distinguish luminous from non-luminous bodies

  2. Propagation and Transmission of Light

    • Explain the concept of rays and beam of light

    • Verify that light rays travels in straight line

    • Identify transparent, translucent and opaque materials

  3. Reflection of Light

    • Explain the concept of reflection of light

    • Distinguish regular from irregular reflection of light

    • Apply the laws of reflection of light

    • Describe image formed by a plane mirror

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