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Geography Topics - Form Three


TOPIC 1: Structure Of The Earth


  1. The Earth's Crust, The Mantle, The Core and their Respective Characteristics

    • Identify concentric zones of the earth

    • Account for the variation in density and thickness of the concentric zones of the earth's crust

    • Describe the characteristics of the earth's crust, the mantle and the core

  2. Types of Rocks of the Earth's Crust

    • Identify types of rocks of the earth's crust

    • Explain the mode of formation for each type of rocks and their economic importance

  3. Simplified Geological Time Scale

    • Describe the geological time sale


TOPIC 2: Forces That Affect The Earth


  1. Forces Causing Earth Movements

    • Explain the forces which cause earth movement and their origin

  2. Radial/Vertical Movement

    • Describe the vertical/radical movement

    • Identify the resulting features from the vertical movement

  3. Lateral or Horizontal Movement

    • Explain how horizontal movements take place

    • Identify different features produced by horizontal forces

  4. Vulcanicity

    • Differentiate vulcanicity from volcanicity

    • Explain causes of volcanicity and resulting features

    • Classify features resulting from the processes of volcanicity

    • Locate the distribution of major volcanic zones in the world

    • Assess the economic importance of volcanoes

  5. Earth-quakes

    • Define earthquake, epicenter and focus

    • Describe how earthquake can be detected

    • Explain the causes and effects of earthquake

    • Locate the possible areas where earthquake is likely to occur on the world map

  6. External Forces

    • Define mass wasting

    • Identify types of mass wasting

    • Describe the factors which cause mass wasting

    • Assess the effects of mass wasting to the environment

  7. Weathering

    • Define the term weathering

    • Identify types of weathering

    • Differentiate weathering processes

    • Assess the significance of weathering

  8. Erosion and Deposition by Running Water, Ice, Wind and Wave Action

    • Define the concept of erosion and deposition

    • Examine how agents of erosion and deposition operate on the landscape

    • Examine erosional and Depositional Features for each Agent

    • Assess the importance of erosional and depositional features to human beings

  9. Artificial Forces

    • Explain the meaning of artificial forces that cause earth movements

    • Describe causes and effects of artificial forces


TOPIC 3: Soil


  1. Soil Formation

    • Define soil

    • Describe factors for soil formation

    • Assess the importance of Soil

  2. Soil Composition and Properties

    • Illustrate soil composition and properties

  3. Soil Profile and Characteristics

    • Define soil profile

    • Illustrate soil profile and its characteristics

  4. Simple Soil Classification

    • Classify soil according to textural groups

  5. Soil Erosion

    • Define soil erosion

    • Examine how agents of soil erosion work

    • Describe types and effects of erosion to social and economic activities

    • Relate population growth and rate of soil erosion on the quality of life

    • Demonstrate ways of controlling soil erosion through the application of various conservation techniques


TOPIC 4: Elementary Survey And Map Making


  1. Meaning and Types of Survey

    • Explain the meaning of simple land survey

    • Explain the types of simple land survey

  2. Chain Survey

    • Describe chain/tape survey

    • Explain different types of equipment used in chain/tape surveying

    • Practice chain/tape surveying activities at school level

    • Explain the importance of survey


TOPIC 5: Map Reading And Map Interpretation


  1. Concept of Map Reading

    • Explain the concept of map and its importance to social economic activities

    • Identify essentials of a map

  2. Reading and Interpreting Topographical Maps

    • Recognise features on a map

    • Generate information from maps

    • Interpret information in relation to daily activities



TOPIC 6: Photograph Reading and Interpretation


  1. Types of Photographs

    • Identify types of photographs

    • Differentiate between ground, vertical and oblique photographs

  2. Reading and Interpreting Photographs

    • Read features presented on photographs

    • Identify natural and manmade features in the fore, middle and background of the photograph

    • Interpret features presented on the photograph


TOPIC 7: Application Of Statistics


  1. Concept of Statistics

    • Explain the concept of statistics

    • Differentiate types of statistical data

    • Present data graphically

    • Explain the importance of statistics to the user

    • Describe how massive data can be summarised

  2. Simple Statistical Measures and Interpretation

    • Describe methods of presenting simple and mixed data

    • Calculate the mean, mode and median

    • Explain the significance of mean, mode and median

    • Interpret data using simple statistical measures


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